A Collaborative Investment Management Process That Begins and Ends with You

Your portfolio should not only be connected to your financial planning but also to your personal goals, values, and what’s important to your family. It should be sophisticated, yet not complicated. As a fiduciary, we provide our clients with access to some of the best investment minds in the business.

Simplifying Investment Management for Long-Term Success

Financial markets do not need complex investments to achieve long-term goals. Excessive portfolio complexity can lead to unintended consequences. A simple investment approach requires understanding your risk tolerance, need, and willingness to assume long-term portfolio risk.

Columbus Street uses both passive and active investment strategies with a preference for value investing. This creates globally diversified, low-cost portfolios across asset classes and market capitalizations.

A strategic asset allocation that utilizes broad diversification is necessary to reduce risk and protect against unforeseen outlier events. Overreacting to short-term market volatility or the most recent investment trend can lead to poor investment outcomes and even permanent wealth destruction. Staying focused on the long-term might feel uncomfortable from time-to-time, but it provides investors with the best opportunity to achieve their long-term goals.

To meet investors’ commitment to Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) & Environmental Social Governance (ESG), Columbus Street has partnered with Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) to provide low-cost mutual fund portfolios that align with investors’ principles. DFA’s investment screening is based on extensive research into what drives market returns over time, including the work of Eugene Fama, Recipient of the 2013 Noble Prize in Economics. We use Dimensional Fund Advisors in our clients’ portfolios because of their rigorous and structured process, long-term approach to investing, SRI analysis, and academically data-driven investment philosophy based on valuation.

*Investors of SRI and ESG strategies accept corporate governance considerations, environmental, and social investment screening will limit investment opportunities.

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who needs INvestment Management services


Household income of $400k+/year

  • Retirement plan maximization
  • Cash flow analysis and maximization
  • Equity Compensation considerations
  • Employer benefit considerations
  • College funding foals and 529 management
  • Goal planning
  • Life insurance needs analysis
  • Previous employer retirement plan management
  • IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable assets managed at Charles Schwab
  • Two pro-active planning meetings annually and ad hoc meetings as needed
Flat Fee of $5,500


$3M+ portfolio

  • Pension and Social Security maximization
  • Retirement plan withdrawal maximization
  • Ongoing cash flow analysis
  • Income tax optimization and reduction
  • Roth conversion strategies
  • Medicare optimization
  • Estate & trust planning considerations
  • Wealth transfer goals
  • Charitable and gifting considerations
  • College funding for grandchildren
  • IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable assets managed at Charles Schwab
  • Two to three pro-active planning meetings annually and ad hoc meetings as needed
Flat Fee of $8,500

Ultra High Net-Worth

$8M - 10M+ in assets

  • Real estate and business transfer strategies
  • Pension and Social Security optimization
  • Income tax optimization and reduction
  • Roth conversion strategies
  • Estate and legacy trust planning
  • Accelerated gifting strategies
  • Maximizing wealth transfer to children and grandchildren
  • Medicare optimization
  • Donor Advised Fund management
  • Private investment opportunities
  • IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable assets managed at Charles Schwab
  • Ability to coordinate with other Investment Advisors/Brokers upon request
  • Quarterly planning meetings and ad hoc meetings as needed
Flat Fee Beginning at $17,500


What is Columbus Street Financial Planning's investment philosophy?

Columbus Street believes in a blend of passive and active investment strategies with a tilt towards value investing in creating globally diversified, low-cost portfolios across asset classes and market capitalizations.

What is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) & Environmental Social Governance (ESG)?

SRI and ESG are investment approaches that consider an investment's impact on society and the environment as well as financial returns. Companies are evaluated based on their environmental, social, and corporate governance practices.

What is Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA)?

Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) is an investment management firm that uses an academically data-driven investment philosophy based on valuation. They also provide low-cost mutual fund portfolios that align with investors' principles, including SRI and ESG strategies.

Why does Columbus Street partner with DFA for SRI and ESG portfolios?

Columbus Street partners with DFA for SRI and ESG portfolios because of their rigorous and structured process, long-term approach to investing, SRI analysis, and academically data-driven investment philosophy based on valuation.

CFP® professionals represent a high level of competency, ethics and professionalism. Many advisors hold themselves out as a "financial planner;" however, only those who have fulfilled the certification requirements of the CFP Board can display the certification marks. See more at: CFP Board

What should I consider before investing in SRI and ESG strategies?

Investors of SRI and ESG strategies accept corporate governance considerations, environmental, and social investment screening will limit investment opportunities. It's important to understand the investment strategy and align it with your personal values and goals before investing.


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Financial Planning

We offer project-based financial planning services focused on retirement planning goals. Our process includes directional guidance on savings strategies, education funding, retirement income planning, insurance needs, and estate planning.


Wealth Management

The Wealth Management service is a personalized and proactive financial planning experience designed for individuals and families seeking to simplify their financial complexity and achieve their long-term goals.

Financial Planning & Wealth
Management Resources